Forbidden Five Finger Flares

Forbidden Five Finger Flares is a spell that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is Mage Popp's variation of Flazzard's Five Finger Flares technique. When cast, it sends out a Kafrizz spell from each of Popp's fingers on one of his hands to reduce an enemy to ashes.


Dragon Quest: The Adventure of DaiEdit

The spell is based on Popp's attempt to replicate Flazzard's Five Finger Flares against Superior Being Zamza in a moment of desperation. However, as Popp's magic power had been severely drained during the battle, he was only able to create three Kafrizz spells on his fingers. He was discouraged from trying it again in the future by his teacher Matoriv, who said that it could shorten the young mage's lifespan.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

Forbidden Five Finger Flares can be learned by Mage Popp at level 54 and costs 105 MP to cast. It has a range of three squares away from him and inflicts moderate Frizz-type spell damage five times to a single enemy. It can only be cast up to two times per battle. Upgrading the spell increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to cast.

Forbidden Five Finger Flares (禁じ手の五指爆炎弾 Kinjite no goshi bakuendan) 
Ability information
Forbidden Five Finger Flares
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Spell   105
Times usable: 2
Range Additional effects
Deals moderate Frizz-type spell damage to 1 enemy 5 times
Naturally learnt by
Mage Popp

Related spellsEdit