Humans are a recurring race throughout the Dragon Quest series who seem to be, in most respects, identical to the real-life species of the same name. In almost every Dragon Quest game, the Hero is human or at least partially human, and in many cases the entire party is composed of humans. The only non-human heroes are the heroes of Dragon Quests IV, VIII, and IX, who are half-Zenithian, half-Dragovian, and Celestrian, respectively. The parties of Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II, and Dragon Quest III are exclusively human, though half-human and wholly-nonhuman allies can join the party in many subsequent titles.
Human is the race that the player's character starts out as in Dragon Quest X. After a certain point in the game, the player may become any of the other seven races, including Ogre, Dragon, Elf, Dwarf, Poppet or Wetling.