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DQVIII Dark Minister.png

Priestley (ニコライ, Nikolai) is an infamous monster that appears exclusively in the 3DS version of Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. He can form the team Hurricane Force along with Barry Wight, Harry and/or Lumpy.


Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Hero's Level
HP 446 512
MP 16 24
Attack 163 189
Agility 108 144
Defence 177 271
Exp 316
Gold 152
Bonus turn contribution 0.8
Abilities Curse Attack


The Sinister Minister (闇の伝道者, Yami no dendōsha) can be found on the cape west of Peregrin Quay. It can only be accessed with the ship or with the Godbird's soulstone and he only appears after beating the game once.

See also[edit]