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DQIII Magical Abacus.png
Japanese まほうのそろばん
Romaji Mahō no soroban
Old localizations Magic abacus
Magical abacus
Found in Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation
Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End
Dragon Quest Rivals
Effect Varies, see article

The abracadabracus is a weapon that was introduced in remake versions of Dragon Quest III. Much like the astraea's abacus, it is a peculiar weapon for merchants that consists of an abacus mounted at the top of a polearm. Despite its name, it does not appear to have any magical properties.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The abracadabracus has an attack bonus of +45 and can only be equipped by Merchants. It can be purchased at the Immigrant Town from the third stage onward for 7,700 gold and can be sold for 5,775 gold. Using it as a tool in the field will allow the player to find out how much gold they have in total. It only appears in remake versions of the game.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Abracadabracus III HD icon.png Abracadabracus DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
An abacus in a past life, this handy piece of kit is now a weapon wielded exclusivly by merchants
Stats Vocations
Attack +82 Merchant iconHD2D.png
Price Location
12,900/5,160 Sold in:
Immigrant Town

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End[edit]

Known as the magical abacus in this game, it has an attack bonus of +64, and can only be equipped by Torneko. It can be purchased for 9,000 gold.

Dragon Quest Rivals[edit]
