The Triumgorate is a trio of generals that serve the Gittish Empire in Dragon Quest IX. All of them are based off of animals, have hyphenated names, and have "gore" somewhere in their names.
A pig that is the prison warden of the Goretress and the first member of the Triumgorate you actually fight. It was revealed after he is defeated that the Gittish Seal the hero was recieved from Greygnarl was initially his, and that he had lost it when he was initially killed at Greygnarl's hands.
First Fight
Second Fight
Attributes Resistance
An owl that often says hoo in place of who. Is the first member of the Triumgorate seen in the game as well as the first member of the Gittish Empire, and also has enough power to ride on his back. He defends the entrance to Gittingham Palace. Of all the triumgorate, he is the only one that doesn't belong to the Beast Family.
First Fight
Second Fight
Attributes Resistance
A leopard that also guards Gittingham palace and the last member of the Triumgorate the Hero faces.
First Fight
Template:NotableEnemythis cat is a menace crack out a critical hit before it hits you with one