
The Frogman is a monster from Dragon Quest VIII. It is a monstrous frog and a more powerful version of the Frogface.


#24 - Frogman
HP MP Experience Gold
116 16 88 18
Attack Defense Speed
?? ?? ??
Dropped Item Waterweed mould (common)
Cool cheese (rare)
Locations West Argonia
Spells Whack
Family Bug
Bestiary # 24
Game Dragon Quest VIII
Console PS2
Description Frog-monsters with strange patterns covering their bodies. When provoked to reveal the human faces on their backs, they can use powerful spells and ice attacks which damage the whole party.

Frogmen can be seen as albino Frogfaces, being more white and yellow as opposed to the magenta and blue of the lesser monster.

A far greater threat than the Frogface, and not just because of being statistically stronger, Frogmen can cast Whack when their backs are faced in battle. The same strategy that works against Frogfaces can also work on these monsters too, however, and the player will have access to sleep inducing moves and instant-death spells to make matters faster.

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