Princess Pledge

The Princess Pledge, sometimes called Gwaelin's Love or Lady Lora's Love, is an item from Dragon Quest.

Princess Pledge
DQ Gwaelins Love.png
Japanese おうじょのあい
Romaji Ōjo no ai
Old localizations Gwaelin's Love, Lady Lora's Love
Found in Dragon Quest
Effect Information

It is given to the Hero from Princess Gwaelin after she has been rescued from the Green dragon and returned to Tantegel Castle. Gwaelin's Love resembles a compass, and provides the distance from Tantegel and the amount of experience points needed to reach the next level. It is useful in locating Mark of Erdrick, which is hidden in a swamp on the overworld.


Game System Buy Sell Location Sp/Ab
DQ1 NES N/A N/A Tantegel Coordinates, EXP Points Needed to Level


A gift from your beloved Princess Gwaelin.[1]



  1. Cell phone version