
From Dragon Quest Wiki

I think I cannot understand one thing about the most recent change: in the remakes how can Orochi be numbers 102 and 147? I know it is fought two times during the game story but two different entries in the Bestiary, I think that never happened with any monster before (at least monsters not related to the Demon Lords) (Eco (talk) 07:49, 01 June 2016 (CDT))

That's just how she/it is listed--it's weird as hell and just a matter of programming oversight. Here's the source anyways: (Follower of Light (talk) 14:54, 1 June 2016 (CDT))
Now I understand why! Nº102 is Orochi and Nº147 is actually the Hydra which has a similar name (due to the Hydra being a subspecies), and in the page of the Hydra the nº is actually 147. Mystery resolved!! (Eco (talk) 22:57, 01 June 2016 (CDT))