
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Quest #90 - "One Latht Tehth"
Location Swinedimples Academy - L1, auditorium on the lower left.
Availability After the completion of Quest #089: Way of the Fitht, with a party member with 100 skill points in Fisticuffs.
Requested by Cecil
Fulfilled to Cecil
Reward 'Fearsome Fisticuffing' - Allows a character to use Miracle Moon while carrying it.
Detail Cecil, the fisticuffs teacher at Swinedimples, will give you the book containing the final secret of fisticuffing, but not before you've travelled to the tenth level or below of a grotto wearing no equipment and defeated fifty foes with regular attacks.
Hint for solution The player will need a treasure map with at least ten floors in order to complete the quest. At least one party member will have to remove all of their equipment in order to defeat the monsters. The quest can go by faster by having more than one character without equipment. Their vocation should be changed to one with naturally high Attack, such as a Gladiator. Since the bare party member will be vulnerable, it's recommended to bring a Paladin to protect them with Whipping Boy or Forbearance. The monsters can still be whittled down to low HP with skills and spells. Casting Oomph on the bare party member is also recommended.
Repeatable No.