Power shield

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Shield of Strength

The Power Shield (also known as the Shield of Strength or Heal Shield) is a shield equipment item in the Dragon Quest series. It casts Midheal on self when used as a tool in combat.


Dragon Quest II

The heal shield has a defense bonus of +18. It can be equipped by the Hero and the Prince of Cannock.

Dragon Quest III

The heal shield has a defense bonus of +50. It can be equipped by the Hero or warriors.

Dragon Quest IV

The power shield has a defense bonus of +40.

Dragon Quest V

The power shield has a defense bonus of +45.

Dragon Quest VI

The power shield has a defense bonus of +45.

It is found in both the Underwater Tunnel & the second half of the Fungeon.

Dragon Quest VII

The heal shield has a defense bonus of +40 and an appearance bonus of +33. It can be equipped by all characters.

Dragon Quest VIII

The power shield has a defense bonus of +38. It can be equipped by the Hero, Yangus, or Angelo.

Dragon Quest IX

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