Cloak of Wind: Difference between revisions

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[[Image:CloakOfWind.png|right|120px|thumb|Official art of the Cloak of Wind]]
#REDIRECT [[Windbreaker]]
The ''Cloak of Wind'' is a key item in [[Dragon Quest II]].  It is located in the [[Tower of Wind]]. 
=== Usage ===
The Cloak of Wind is a unique item which can be equipped similar to a piece of armor.  Although the cloak has no protection benefits, equipping it enables the wearer to benefit from its special capability to jump long distances.  This ability has only 1 specific application which is at the [[Dragons Horn]]. 
Image:windcloak.PNG|Finding the Wind Cloak in the GBC version of Dragon Warrior II.
[[Category:Dragon Quest II items]]

Revision as of 23:04, 21 December 2014

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