Bamboo lance

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The bamboo pole is a simple length of cut bamboo. It is cheap, but not very powerful.


Dragon Quest

In Dragon Quest, the Bamboo Pole can be bought at Tantegel/Brecconary and Cantlin/Mercado for 10 G and gives +2 attack power to the user. Due to text restrictions in the Gameboy Color remake of Dragon Quest, Bamboo pole was renamed to Bamboo with a picture of a pole besides it.

Dragon Quest (NES)
Item Price Attributes
Bamboo Pole 10 Attack +2

Dragon Quest II

Dragon Quest IX

Known as the Bamboo Lance, it is the most basic spear.

 Bamboo Lance
Attack +6
Equipable by
Buy Price 85
Sell Price 8
Flavor text A simple spear fashioned from fresh bamboo.
Notes Sold in Stornway
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