Agent Provocateur

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 13:51, 27 January 2024 by LiquidMetal (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Provocateur''' is a talent in {{DQM3}}. =={{DQM3}}== This talent is naturally known by King jester slime and Dread dragooner. <center> {| class="wikitable" |+ '''Provocateur''' |- ! Ability !! Description !! Skill Points |- |'''Confusion Attack''' || Damages a single enemy and occasionally confuses it for 2 to 5 turns. || 3 |- |'''Sizzle''' || Inflicts medium light-elemental spell damage on all enemies. || 10 |- |'''Midheal''' || Restores 76 or mo...")
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Provocateur is a talent in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince

This talent is naturally known by King jester slime and Dread dragooner.

Ability Description Skill Points
Confusion Attack Damages a single enemy and occasionally confuses it for 2 to 5 turns. 3
Sizzle Inflicts medium light-elemental spell damage on all enemies. 10
Midheal Restores 76 or more HP to a single ally. 20
Black Breath Inflicts major dark-elemental breath damage on all enemies and occasionally prevents them from casting spells for 2 to 5 turns. 30
Kazam Inflicts major dark-elemental spell damage on a single enemy. 50
Multiheal Restores 76 or more HP to all allies. 70
Power Surge Inflicts outrageous electrical damage on all enemies. 85
Ultra Clear Thinker Greatly increases resistance to confusion. 100
Kasizzle Inflicts extreme light-elemental spell damage on all enemies. 120