Fast Chant

Fast Chant is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. When used, it boosts both the user's spellpower and Agility for a single turn.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Fast Chant is known naturally by the Sage (Female) at level 1 and costs 24 MP to use. When used, it increases her spell potency and recovery by 50% and her AGL by 20% for one turn.

Fast Chant (高速詠唱 Kōsoku eishō) 
Ability information
Fast Chant
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Support Martial   24
Range Additional effects
Spell Potency/Recovery/AGL Up
Raises the user's AGL and grants the user x1.5 spell potency/recovery for 1 turn
Naturally learnt by
Sage (Female)

Related skillsEdit