Great Ball of Fire

Great Ball of Fire is a recurring ability in the Dragon Quest series. It has appeared as the finishing move of Tsarevna Alena in various spinoff games. When used, Alena leaps into the air with a series of martial arts moves, then creates a fireball out of thin air with her hands, sending it down and blasting foes with it.


Dragon Quest Monster Battle RoadEdit

Great Ball of Fire makes its debut here in the second game as Alena's special finisher when the Meteorite bracer or Falcon knife earrings cards are scanned. When used, it can inflict more than 3,300 damage.

Dragon Quest Heroes & Dragon Quest Heroes IIEdit

Carrying over from Monster Battle Road Victory, Great Ball of Fire appears as Alena's Coup de Grâce in both games and can only be used when she is in High Tension mode. It inflicts a large amount of damage to any enemies in front of her.

Dragon Quest RivalsEdit

Great Ball appears as a super rare card exclusively for Martial Artist leaders. It costs 7 mana to use and inflicts 3 damage on a single target, but any feat used on the same turn will increase its damage by 2. With proper preparation, it is possible to defeat the enemy leader in a single turn.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

Great Ball of Fire can be learned by Alena at level 76 and costs 60 MP to use. It has a range of 2 squares away from her in any direction and inflicts 350% potency Frizz-type physical damage to a single enemy. Since it is a Coup de Grâce, it takes 3 turns to charge and can only be used once per battle. Upgrading the ability increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to use.

Great Ball of Fire (閃光烈火拳 Senkō rekka ken) 
Ability information
Great Ball of Fire
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical   60
Times usable: 1
Range Additional effects
Deals 350% potency Frizz-type physical damage to 1 enemy.
Turns needed: 3
Naturally learnt by


  • The skill is based on the concept of the fireball technique seen in several fighting games, such as the Hadouken from Street Fighter.


Monster Battle Road Victory footage

Heroes footage


Senkō rekkaken is an anagram of Senka rekkōken, the Japanese name of Refractor Fist.

Great Ball of Fire is a reference to popular rock and roll song Great Balls of Fire recorded in 1957 by American singer and songwriter Jerry Lee Lewis.
