Heat Breath

Heat Breath is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series, commonly associated with the Beast King Crocodine. When used, he emits a blast of intense heat from his mouth that can paralyze his opponents.


Dragon Quest: The Adventure of DaiEdit

Crocodine first uses the attack against Dai in their first battle and is able to paralyze him temporarily. Maam is able to counteract its effects by firing a bullet from her gun charged with a Tingle spell.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

Heat Breath is known naturally by Crocodine at level 1 and costs 15 MP to use. It inflicts minor typeless breath damage to all enemies in a T-shaped area of effect in front of him and has a chance to paralyze them, as well.

Heat Breath (ヒートブレス Hītoburesu) 
Ability information
Heat Breath
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Breath   15
Range Additional effects
Deals minor breath damage to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally paralyses
Naturally learnt by

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's BondsEdit

Heat Breath appears as a Special Move for Crocodine and the Luminary Leader. It deals major piercing Fire-type damage to enemies in a wide area of effect. It can paralyse the enemies.

The main way to unlock this skill is by obtaining Apollo's Axe from the gacha banners.

Related skillsEdit
