
Invigorate is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. The user builds up energy to strengthen the next martial skill that they use.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Invigorate is known naturally by 24-carrot bunicorn, Cumulus vex, Frankengolem, Princess slime, Rockbomb, and Tentacular at level 1, costing 16 MP to use. It increases the user's martial potency and recovery by 50% for 1 turn.

Invigorate (練気 Renki) 
Ability information
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Support Martial   16
Range Additional effects
Martial Potency/Recovery Up
Grants the user x1.5 martial potency/recovery for 1 turn
Naturally learnt by
24-carrot bunicorn, Cumulus vex, Frankengolem, Princess slime, Rockbomb, Tentacular

Related skillsEdit