
Missile is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series.

It is an attack commonly associated with the Metal dragon and its variants, launching a barrage of missiles from its back that deals heavy damage to the party.


Dragon Quest XEdit

Missile makes its first appearance as an enemy-only skill that can be used by Metal dragon and its variants, dealing 70-80% of the target's current HP in physical damage and any nearby characters.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

Missile can be used by Mechan-o'-wyrm, dealing a minimum of 140 damage to the entire party that cannot be reduced by Defence or resistances. In the Nintendo 3DS version, it randomly launches 5-6 missiles each dealing 80~90 damage per hit.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

Missile can be learned by Metal dragon through Talent Blossoming and costs 98 MP to use. It has a range of three squares away from it in any direction and inflicts major martial damage to all enemies in a plus sign-shaped area of effect and can occasionally lower their DEF, as well. Upgrading the ability increases its damage and reduces the MP it costs to use. The Metal dragon also has a chance to do a follow up attack with a Missile if any ally in range attacks after unlocking the Missile Follow-Up perk through Talent Blossoming.

Missile (ミサイル Misairu) 
Ability information
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Martial   98
Range Additional effects
DEF Down
Deals major martial damage to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally lowers DEF for 3 turns
Naturally learnt by
Metal dragon

Related skillsEdit