Orgodemir (Talent)

Orgodemir is the monster talent based on the fiend who rent time asunder in his war against heaven.


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark PrinceEdit

Ability Description Talent Points
Magma Blast Deals 70~85 Fire damage to all foes 10
Kafrizz Deals approx. 380 Fire spell damage at 999 wisdom 20
Kasnooze Attempts to slumber all foes, success scales to wisdom 30
Paralysing Punch Normal attack with a chance to paralyse target 50
Attack +8 Increases attack by eight points 70
Kaboom Deals approx. 230 Explosion damage at 999 wisdom 85
Wisdom +12 Increases wisdom by twelve points 100
Hellitosis Deals 220~260 Fire breath damage to all foes with a chance to stun for one turn 120
Disruptive Wave Strips all foes of buffs 150
Magic Burst Deals Light spell damage to all enemies based on MP x 1.5, limit is 600 damage per foe 200