Tug is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It pulls an enemy helplessly towards the user with gravitational force, damaging them at the same time.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Tug is known naturally by Queen slime at level 1, can be learned by Bloody hand, Mandragore, and Venus guytrap at level 18, costing 25 MP to use. It has a range of three spaces in front of the user, dealing moderate martial damage to a single enemy and pulling them two spaces closer.

Tug (ひきよせ Hikiyose) 
Ability information
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Martial   25
Range Additional effects
Deals moderate martial damage to 1 enemy, pulls it 2 spaces closer
Naturally learnt by
Bloody hand, Mandragore, Queen slime, Venus guytrap

Related skillsEdit