
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
Healizah key artwork.png
Title Fashion gooru
Race Healslime

Healizah is a gaudy glob who is fixated on fashion and will perform drastic makeovers for a fee.


Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Healizah allows the player to customize characters long after they have already been created at Patty's Party Planning Place. Specifically, she can change a character's appearance between the four vocation options for their sex, dye their hair to any of the 14 colours, and alter their voice to match any of the 18 tones. She is unable to change the sex of a character, referred to as "type" in-game, nor can she change their name or alter their personality.


  • Healizah's blonde hair, bright pink hairband, and large eyelashes evoke the gyaru fashion style seen in Japan. Her pink flower accessory is reminiscent of Stella, a fellow gyaru.
