
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince
Japanese name ザガンギエル
Romaji Zagangieru
Old localization None
Title Omniarch
Voice actor Andrew Spooner
Naomi Kusumi

Zangiel the Omniarch is the ruling monarch of Terrestria, having dominion over all monsters on the surface world.

Appearance and Personality[edit]

Zangiel is an imposingly tall monster with a muscled physique and blood-red eyes with black pupils. He bears a strong similarity to his infernal counterpart Randolfo the Tyrant, but forgoes the baroque fashion] for a horned crown, a set of spiked pauldrons with a scarlet cape, matching wrist gauntlets, and a simple pair of pants with a blue belt and red sash. Zangiel carries an enormous, gold-coloured greatsword that is longer Psaro.

Despite his physical similarity to Randolfo, the two could not be any more different when it came to their styles of leadership, with Zangiel prioritizing the wellbeing of monsterkind as a whole and earning the dedication of his subjects. It should be noted that despite his consideration for his own kind, Zangiel would likely have cared very little for humanity as evidence of the prisoners kept in Diabolic Hall.


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Zangiel rules over the monsters of Terrestria from Diabolic Hall as their beloved Omniarch. His lordship over terrestrial monsterkind is totally unquestioned, so much so that Randolfo had given up any thoughts of establishing his own influence in the realm. Toilen sternly warns Psaro that should he confront Zangiel and fail to win the Omniarch over to his side then he will doubtlessly make an enemy of every monster in the world.

Before the birth of Randolfo's eldest son Dolph, Zangiel was considered to be the successor to the Tyrant as ruler of Nadiria. He would become the prince's sword instructor and taught him the art of combat, but became disgusted with his ceaseless cruelty and dreaded the prospect of the heartless wretch becoming the king of monsterkind. Zangiel would break away from Randolfo's family at one point and dedicate himself to eliminating the Tyrant and the prince, but Dolph and his forces were powerful enough to force a stalemate. Already in his final years, time was not on Zangiel's side and the futility of the situation brought the Omniarch to the verge of admitting defeat. Hope would arrive with the reemergence of Randolfo's long-lost middle son Psaro.

The half-human prince was discovered in Nadiria by General Chayne and Gaureen, Zangiel's subordinates, when Psaro was a child who had collapsed in front of the Conqueror's Keep. The two failed to convince him to stay away from his despotic father, but the information they brought to Zangiel piqued his interest enough to keep an eye on the lad. The half-monster prince would go on to display the qualities of a leader that Dolph lacked in his adolescent years, and Zangiel adjusted his strategy to supporting Psaro. Through his agents he learned of Psaro's goal to master Estark, the Lord of the Underworld, and dedicated his forces to finding the mythical monster.

Psaro is informed of Zangiel's existence by the Zenith Dragon in an attempt to dissuade the prince from the foolhardy endeavor of using Estark as a weapon to eliminate his father. The divine dragon enables the teleportal of Rosehill access to Diabolic Hall, leading to their meeting. Zangiel's forces set upon Psaro's team of monsters, including a fight with General Chayne before the Omniarch even speaks to Psaro. Zangiel asks if Psaro plans to face him, stating that mastery over Estark is nearly his. As Psaro does not submit, Zangiel then bows before the youth and addresses him as His Majesty, stating that his resolve had to be tested before Zangiel could reveal his true motives. Zangiel pronounces Psaro as the King of monsterkind and orders an assembly of all monsters at Diabolic Hall for his successor to proclaim his new status. Zangiel states that his deepest desire, that the future of monsterkind would be in the hands of a worthy leader, has been fulfilled—he then succumbs to his old age.

During the period of mourning, Psaro personally constructs a monument to Zangiel's memory within Diabolic Hall.


  • Zangiel's memorial is found in all versions of Dragon Quest IV, being the tombstone dedicated to the monsters who had fallen in the war against humanity.