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In this video from Dragon Quest IX, the hero offers a prayer at the tree of Yggdrasil and sees a vision of Zenus and Celestria. This provides some insight into the backstory of Dragon Quest IX.
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Dragon Quest News
Square Enix and Nintendo Abandon Dragon Quest in North AmericaAt the June 2013 E3 video games expo, no new Dragon Quest titles were featured or even mentioned. This seems to indicate that Square Enix and Nintendo are abandoning Dragon Quest in North America and Europe, based on the poor sales of Dragon Quest X on the Wii U in Japan. While it is possible that the 3DS remake of Dragon Quest VII might eventually be released worldwide, no titles are being identified as in development with a targeted western release. Due to mis-management and a poor decision in making Dragon Quest X an online-only, subscription game, North America and Europe are entering a second "dark age" for Dragon Quest similar to 1992-1999. This wiki will move into a mostly hibernation state due to lack of new available content. All of the momentum generated by the strong Dragon Quest IX sales in the summer of 2010 has been wasted by a Square Enix team that could not capitalize on the success in the larger western market. Dragon Quest X Given Release Date in JapanAugust 2, 2012 will be the release date of Dragon Quest X in Japan. There is no word of a release date in any other part of the world or for the Wii U, which is expected to be released worldwide this fall. A new trailer for Dragon Quest X has also been released. Dragon Quest X Beta in JapanAs of February 2012, Dragon Quest X is in beta testing in Japan. There is still no word of a release date for Japan or the rest of the world. All will likely be revealed at this year's E3 in June. |
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Wiki Announcements
CAPTCHAs and Permissions UpdatedPermissions and CAPTCHAs have been updated. If you have you have confirmed your email address, you should not have to fill out a captcha to complete an edit. Any issues should be reported to FlyingRagnar. These changes hope to keep out spam and welcome more editors to the wiki. Dragon Quest Wiki Joins NIWAThe Dragon Quest Wiki has joined NIWA! Use the links below to visit our new partner wikis. This is the next step in promoting and growing the wiki to be the best resource for Dragon Quest content on the web! New SEIWA MemberDragon Quest Wiki is happy to welcome Strategy Wiki into SEIWA! Edit PermissionsA big thank you to Starphoria for pointing out a bug in our site code which was not allowing many users to edit. This bug has now been fixed. Users will still need to confirm their email address in order to edit, as well as use an email address from a non-temporary service provider. Happy editing! |
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