Minerva's raiment

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 16:17, 17 June 2023 by Follower of Light (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Item |title = ''Minerva's raiment'' |image =file:nopic.png |japanese = {{tt|ミネルヴァドレス|Minerva dress}} |romaji=Mineruba doresu |names = N/A |games = ''Dragon Quest XI'' |effect = Boosts crit rate }} The '''minerva's raiment''' is a ballroom gown modified for princesses eager to pursue physical prowess over court intrigue. ==Appearances== ==={{DQ11}}=== {{DQXIEquipment |name=<big><big>Minerva's raiment</big></big> |icon=File:Minerva's raiment xi...")
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Minerva's raiment
Japanese ミネルヴァドレス
Romaji Mineruba doresu
Old localizations N/A
Found in Dragon Quest XI
Effect Boosts crit rate

The minerva's raiment is a ballroom gown modified for princesses eager to pursue physical prowess over court intrigue.


Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Minerva's raiment DQXI Logo EN.png
Minerva's raiment xi icon.png
A dress said to have been worn by a goddess of warfare. Part of Minerva's Set
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +101/106/112/118
Agility +33/34/35/37
Charm +92/96/100/104
Critical hit chance +2/2/2/3%
Changes appearance
Price Location
N/A Fun-Size Forge
Forging difficulty
Colorful cocoon xi icon.png x2 Artful amethyst xi icon.png x2 Slipweed xi icon.png x3 Sainted soma xi icon.png x1
Jade sprite walk.gif

The guide for creating the dress, Way of the War Goddess, is found in The Battleground and requires the ultimate key to obtain. If Jade wears this dress and the matching headpiece, then she will be given the accolade of The Minerva.