Tombola is a mini-game featured in several Dragon Quest games. Each play requires a Tombola ticket, which can be found in chests, as drops from enemies, or as gifts from regular customers to supported businesses. Tickets are often given by shop keepers in exchange for making multiple purchases. In all appearances, the grand prize has been a Loyalty card that reduces the cost of items purchases at shops.


Dragon Quest II

Formerly translated as the lottery, this game's tombola plays more like a slot-machine. Playing the Tombola requires matching symbols (similar to the 5 Seals) in order to win a prize. Unlike in other installments, the tombola is available in multiple locations:

The payouts are as follows:

Symbol Prize
3 Sun Symbols Loyalty card
3 Star Symbols Prayer ring
3 Moon Symbols Wizard's staff
3 Water Symbols Banishing bell
3 Heart Symbols Medicinal herb (WarpWing in the GBC Version)
2 out of 3 matched symbols Tombola ticket

Interestingly, after the defeat of Hargon, the Tombola owner in Moonahan gifts the Luminaries with a free Tombola ticket every time they talk to him. In addition, the Tombola in Leftwyne can still be played in the aftermath of the fell priest's ambitions. While there is no reason to earn the prizes given that all enemies are gone and all other shops are closed in celebration of the Luminaries' victory, the Tombola game can thus be played to the player's heart's content.

Dragon Quest V

Tombola is played at the pub in Lodestar Harbour. In this game, tombola consists of a spinning wheel which yields various colored marbles. Depending on the color of marble which is released, the player wins a specific prize. Earning a good prize typically requires many attempts. The marbles are drawn automatically, and prizes are awarded accordingly:

Color Prize
Black None
White Tombola ticket
Green T'n'T ticket
Blue Rockbomb shard
Red Paxa Punch
Silver Prayer ring
Gold Loyalty card

Dragon Quest Swords

Tombola is played at the item shop at Castle Avalonia. In this game, tombola consists of a spinning wheel which yields various colored marbles. Depending on the color of marble which is released, the player wins a specific prize. Earning a good prize typically requires many attempts. Using the Wii remote, the player must spin the controller in a circular motion quickly to have a chance at winning the top prizes.

Prize Rank Item
Grand Prize Loyalty card/Liquid Metal Shield
First Prize Gold bar
Second Prize Uber ruby of protection/ruby of protection/ruby of protection +1
Third Prize phial of magic water
Fourth Prize Replenishield powder
Fifth Prize Strong medicine
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