
Revision as of 21:32, 6 June 2024 by (talk)

The Dragomancer (竜術士) is the vocation added to the seventh version of Dragon Quest X. Note that the vocation has not been given an official English-language name and that the dragomancer term is merely a placeholder.

Stock art of human dragomancers


The dragomancer's outfit consists of an ornate, red tailcoat with an additional chest piece attached by a series of vertical buttons that is worn over an orange jumpsuit. The magicians also wear shin-high boots with matching gloves and a red mitre hat.


Dragon Quest X

Dragomancers are sorcerers who channel the power of dragons. It is an advanced vocation that requires a character to reach level 100 in the Armamentalist and Mage vocations, in addition to completing all quests related to those professions, to unlock. Dragomancers begin at level 100. Dragomancers may equip bows, heavy wands, one-handed wands, scythes, and shields. They have exclusive access to the ドラゴン skill tree, granting them access to powerful breath attacks and increasing elemental damage.

Pep Power

Unlike other vocations, the Dragomancer does not have a Coup de Grâce of it's own; instead it randomly becomes pepped up like the characters of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age. During this state a Dragomancer's movement speed will be increased by 10% and the waiting interval between actions will be reduced considerably. In addition, the Dragomancer has the option of casting Puff! and becoming a towering great dragon that alters their abilities and greatly buffs their stats.

Puff!-state effects

Transformations last for 60 second and grant a Dragomancer a monstrous increase to their natural stats, with HP +650, MP +150, attack +810, defence +730, agility +510, deftness + 330, magical might +650, charm +100, and weight +650. In addition attack power is temporarily increased by 50%, HP & MP is restored by 50% of the dragon form's HP & MP, and status ailments are removed. Normal attacks become two consecutive strikes, with the follow-up blow having 70% of the first attack's power, identical to how the falcon sword works in X.

Becoming a dragon removes the player's access to his or her abilities, replacing them with a new list for the duration of the transformation:

Japanese name English name Description MP
砂塵ブレス Sandy Sigh Exhales a cloud of dust that has a chance to Dazzle foes. Range is 15 meters 12
Tairu suingu
N/A Slap nearby foes with a sturdy tail with a chance to knock them over. Damage is 230% that of a normal attack and the range is 15 meters 10
Chiryū tsume
N/A Shreds foes with sharpened rocks, lowering Earth-elemental resistance. Range is 15 meters 15
Hageshii otakebi
Total War Cry Below like a true dragon and shatter the ear-drums of foes, stunning them and drawing their focus away from the player. Range is 15 meters 10
Oiwa furashi
N/A Crush one foe with a colossal rock. Range is 15 meters 20

The Dragomancer will also enjoy the following passive traits that last for the entirety of the pep power:

Japanese name English name Description
Doragon biito
Fuel for the Fire Increases tension by one stage with every defeated enemy
Ryuu no uroko
N/A Automatically reduces all types of damage by 100 points
Ryuu no toiki
N/A All elemental damage increases by 20%

ドラゴン (Dragon)

NOTE:The parenthetical translations of the Japanese names are merely placeholders for convenience and are not to be taken as official Square Enix terms

Japanese name English name Description MP Required
Maddo buresu
"Mud breath"
N/A Summon the head of a lumbering lizard to deal Earth-element breath damage to one foe
Chance to reduce Fire resistance by 50% for 30 seconds
Range is 15 meters
6 8
全職業でこうげき魔カ+10 Natural magical might +10 Permanently increases magical might by 10 in all vocations N/A 16
常時呪文暴走率+2% Haywire chance +2% Permanently increases haywire spell chance by 2% in all vocations N/A 28
Kakyuu buresu
"Fireball breath"
N/A Summon the head of a wyrtle to deal Fire-element breath damage to one foe
Chance to reduce Earth resistance by 50% for 30 seconds
Range is 15 meters
9 40
全職業でこうげき魔カ+10 Natural magical might +10 Permanently increases magical might by 10 in all vocations N/A 48
全職業でさいだいMP+10 Natural MP +10 Permanently increases max MP by 10 in all vocations N/A 56
呪文発動速度+2% Spell casting speed +2% Permanently decreases spell casting time by 2% N/A 70
Yamabiko no jin
"Echo spells"
N/A Draws a magic circle grants spells a chance to be cast twice 12 80
全職業でさいだいMP+10 Natural MP +10 Permanently increases max MP by 10 in all vocations N/A 90
Maryoku kakusei
Channel Anger Doubles spell damage for 120 seconds 10 100
全職業でこうげき魔カ+30 Natural magical might +30 Permanently increases magical might by 30 in all vocations N/A 110
常時呪文暴走率+2% Haywire chance +2% Permanently increases haywire spell chance by 2% in all vocations N/A 120
Eremento buusuto
"Elemental boost"
N/A Summons a palm-sized great dragon to increase the elemental damage of the entire party by 10% for 60 seconds 20 130
呪文発動速度+3% Spell casting speed +3% Permanently decreases spell casting time by 3% N/A 140
N/A Deals cataclysmic Earth-elemental damage to one foe 16 150
Ryuu no myakudou
"Dragon pulse"
N/A Summons a gaia dragon to increase magical might by two stages, shortens casting time, and Dragomancer breaks the damage cap for 60 seconds 25 180


Name MP Level Target Description
Crag 4 100 Trap Sets a circle on the ground that will explode after a duration and hit nearby enemies for minor Earth damage
2 100 One Hurls a boulder at one enemy within 15 meters for minor Earth damage
Evac 3 100 Self Escape a dungeon
Craggle 8 103 Trap Sets a circle on the ground that will explode after a duration and hit nearby enemies for medium Earth damage
6 103 One Hurls a boulder at one enemy within 15 meters for medium Earth damage
Drain Magic 0 105 One Siphons MP from an enemy
Kacrag 16 107 Trap Sets a circle on the ground that will explode after a duration and hit nearby enemies for major Earth damage
12 107 One Hurls a boulder at one enemy within 15 meters for major Earth damage
Kacraggle 16 111 Trap Sets a circle on the ground that will explode after a duration and hit nearby enemies for cataclysmic Earth damage
16 150 skill points One Hurls a boulder at one enemy within 15 meters for cataclysmic Earth damage
