Dragon Quest Wiki talk:Policies

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Naming ConventionsEdit

On naming conventions: Sounds pretty good to me. So the articles on the final bosses of Dragon Quest V and Dragon Quest VI would be listed under Mirudraas and Deathmore respectively? (Since their names were first localized in Dragon Warrior Monsters.) I ask because both bosses are conspicuously absent from the list of articles to create. --NecroMalroth 10:07, 27 December 2007 (EST)

This might be confusing for those of us who only really got into a series with newer (Square Enix) localizations (e.g. Deathmore and Mirudraas doesn't sound right like Mortamor or Nimzo). --Melios 05:34, 17 October 2010 (CDT)
I agree with Melios, but considering this conversation is about 3 years old, we will have to revisit all the policies and make sure they are up to date and make sense. --FlyingRagnar 10:02, 18 October 2010 (CDT)
We had a discussion at Dragon's Den concerening Spell Article names, which resulted in a policy that was developed. Currently, the article for Nimzo doesn't exist, but the one for Mortamor does (with redirects from Mortamor, Deathmore, and Deathtamoor). I think any new policy for Character Article names, or weapons, armor, items, game titles, should be discussed both here and at least at the Dragon's Den message board before it is decided and implemented. zenithian 10:36, 18 October 2010 (CDT) One more thing to consider, some localization names have already been been used to describe different things (see Antidote) or had their new localization later reverted (example: Erdrick > Loto > Erdrick (in Dragon Quest IX)) or changed (see Baikiruto).zenithian 11:30, 19 October 2010 (CDT)

I didn't add them yet since they have been called different names by different fans, the same with Granvania, Glanvania, Granbania and a few others. But yes, those names would be appropriate. --Zenithian 10:13, 28 December 2007 (EST)

Pages with all of the various names (monsters, items, characters, etc.) can be created (ie. a page for Herb, Medical Herb, and Medicinal Herb), but the main "Herb" page would have all of the info, and "Medical Herb" and "Medicinal Herb" would redirect to the "Herb" page, or the "Loto" and "Roto" pages would redirect to the "Erdrick" page, etc. Redirects are very easy to create, and by having redirects for all numerous names for the same thing, people will be able to go directly to the page they want, if they type something in the search box and hit the "Go" button.

Localization thread in forumsEdit

I have started a new thread to discuss the localization policy on the forums. Please read it and express your opinion.

Localization policy discussion

If you do not have an account on the forums, consider creating one. Otherwise, I can repost opinions that are written here into the forum thread as a last resort. Thanks. --FlyingRagnar 16:49, 20 October 2010 (CDT)

About the organisation of pages of spells with changed namesEdit

Hi, I wanted to talk about something I found weird on this wiki.

It's about the pages about spells where the names got changed over the series because of other spells introduced. An example is the Zap line of spells: On older entries, we mostly had ライデイン(raidein) => Zap; ギガデイン(gigadein) => Kazap However on later games, they also featured the lower tier spell of that line. But since the name "Zap" couldn't be simplified anymore they altered the translations as デイン(dein) => Zap; ライデイン(raidein) => Zapple; ギガデイン(gigadein) => Kazap

Which means that what was known as "Zap" on earlier games is actually "Zapple", and a different "Zap" that what we have now.

However, the Wiki has the same page for "Zap".

I understand they wanted to have things more clear on one page per name, but I think it makes things actually a bit more complex. Because they are, in fact, not the same thing if you see Zap in DQ8 for example and in DQ11. It is not consistent what with the spells actually are and how they are originally named.

We could even say that, if the Wiki wanted to have one page per name, they should even have a separate page for the spells with the old Enix localisations. I don't think it's really the good way to go.

I think it's better to just have a more consistent and coherent way of organising this. For example, you go on DQ3 Hero's page, see the spell list, click on Zap, and it redirects to the Zapple page, with some kind of warning or notice on the top of the page saying like "what was called as Zap before is now Zapple" and a redirect to the other one.

Another example of this is with the Crag line of spells. The earth type of spell line being Crag, Craggle, Kacrag, Kacraggle were originally called a different way in the localisation, being: Rubblerouser, Boulderbringer, Mountainmover, Ridgeraiser. They got re-translated to fit more the naming conventions of the series later on. Despite being mere renames, the Wiki puts those on separate pages, which is just redundant and makes things even more confusing. It's not really confusing or hard to have check Erik's page, click on Rubblerouser, and have the Wiki redirect to Crag.

Then again, we don't have separate pages for the spells when they were named on older names like Hurt for old Enix localisations because it was probably redeemed useless. It's also the same thing here, we should have more consistency in what we actually show.

We also don't have a different page for each monster when they get a new localisation. (Example: the monster previously localised as Gasmon in Tact got re-translated as Buntzenburner on DQM3)

-- Lino49 September 16th, 2024

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