Drasilian sovereign

The Drasilian sovereign is an item that first appears in Dragon Quest XI. It is a gold coin from the kingdom of Dundrasil that can no longer be used as currency, but can be sold in any shop for some extra gold.

Drasilian sovereign
Drasilian sovereign xi icon.png
Japanese ユグノア金貨
Romaji Yugunoa kinka
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light
Effect Can be sold for extra gold.


Dragon Quest XIEdit

Drasilian sovereigns serve no purpose, but can be safely sold for 1,000 gold coins. One can be found in the Dundrasil Region, one in a barrel in the Ruins of Dundrasil, and another in a barrel in Octagonia. There are sparkly spots for the sovereigns in Nautica and Heliodor Castle during the second act. The coins can also be dropped by Balhibs, Bilhaws, Colossal canniboxes, Gold-plated puppets, Overtoads, and Token takers.


The currency of a fallen kingdom. No longer legal tender, but can be sold for a few gold coins.[1]

Related itemsEdit


  1. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.