Isle of Murdaw

The Isle of Murdaw[1] is a dungeon in Dragon Quest VI.

It lead's to a cliff which is above Murdaw's Keep.

Notable attributeEdit

        This location contains lava marshes/swamps.


(Fire Section)Edit

(Water Section)Edit

Nearby monstersEdit


(Fire Section)Edit

(Water Section)Edit

Vocation Level CapEdit

Party members can Grind to increase their vocation as long as they are at the specified level or lower.

Nintendo DS version Cell phone version
22 (Outside)
23 (Fire Section)
24 (Water Section)
32 (Outside)
33 (Fire Section)
34 (Water Section)

Usage of Isle of Murdaw in another areaEdit

5F, 1F and 6F of the dungeon is used respectively in the Fungeon.

Map & GalleryEdit

Island & CavernEdit

Parallel Cliff TravelsEdit

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  1. Name given when Storeyteller is used in the Nintendo DS and Cell phone version.