Natty cravat

The Natty cravat is an accessory that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest XI. It is an eye-catching red scarf that is well-suited for a dashing dandy.

Natty cravat
Natty cravat xi icon.png
Japanese ハンサムスカーフ
Romaji Hansamusukāfu
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest XI
Effect Increases the wearer's Deftness, Charm, and evasion.


Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

Natty cravat DQXI Logo EN.png
A scarlet scarf that really draws the eye. Part of the Spruce Set.
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +6/6/6/7
Deftness +22/24/26/28
Charm +23/25/27/30
Evasion Chance +2%/2%/3%/4%
Changes Sylvando's appearance when worn with the Dapper doublet.
Requires 10 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Price Location
N/a / 1,900 Fun-Size Forge only.
Forging difficulty
  +   +  

The recipe book The Dapper Chap contains the recipe for the natty cravat. It is received as a reward for completing Quest #13: Skincare for the Fierce and Fabulous. In the Definitive Edition of the game, "The Head-Turner" will be added to Sylvando's outfits after acquiring the dapper doublet and the natty cravat.

In Other LanguagesEdit

Language Translation Meaning
  EspañolFular sedosoSpanish for "silky handkerchief".
  FrançaisFoulard de dandyFrench for "dandy's foulard".
  DeutschHübsches HalstuchGerman for "handsome scarf".


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