
Socialite (さびしがりや sabishigariya, translated as lonesome in the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Quest III) is a personality in the Dragon Quest III remakes, in Dragon Quest X, and in Dragon Quest: Monster Parade.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of SalvationEdit

"Others see you as relaxed… As calm and collected…

But this calm is only skin-deep… Your heart seethes with all manner of conflicting feelings…

You do not develop close relationships with others, but deep down, you crave their company…

You must focus on opening yourself up… On sharing your thoughts and feelings…

Do so, and you will finally find the lifelong friends you so crave… And you will never be lonely again…"

—? (iOS / Android)

In the Dragon Quest III remakes, socialite is a personality that improves wisdom and luck growth, but reduces agility and resilience growth.

At the start of the game, the hero becomes a socialite by receiving the final test of character in the tower. The hero must leave the test by talking to the guard and taking the stairs, and not by walking over the ledge.

Other party members have a chance to be a socialite when talent scouted at Patty's Party Planning Place, except martial artists, depending on their stat bonuses.

Class / gender Stat bonuses for socialite (chance)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, resilience or luck bonus second (429)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (310)
  • Resilience bonus highest, ≤5, strength, agility, or luck bonus second (17)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (215)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, luck bonus second (17)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, resilience or luck bonus second (429)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, luck bonus second (17)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, resilience or luck bonus second (429)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤5 (229)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, luck bonus second (17)

An existing character becomes a socialite temporarily while wearing the slime earrings accessory.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D RemakeEdit

The socialite personality has no influence on strength, decreases resilience by 20%, decreases agility by 10%, decreases stamina by 20%, increases wisdom by 10%, and increases luck by 10%. Any character can become a social butterfly by equipping a pair of slime earrings.

Class / gender Stat bonuses for socialite (chance)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, stamina or luck bonus second (429)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (310)
  • Stamina bonus highest, ≤5, strength, agility, or luck bonus second (17)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (215)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, luck bonus second (17)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, stamina or luck bonus second (429)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, luck bonus second (17)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, stamina or luck bonus second (429)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤5 (229)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, luck bonus second (17)
