Sands of time

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 02:20, 7 September 2019 by (talk) (in DQVI this article is not a stub that's the way to obtain them. i added basic info of the item just for making it clear)
Sands of time
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations Sand of time
Found in Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Effect Allows the player to start a battle over.

The Sands of Time (originally localized in the English release of Dragon Quest IV & Dragon Quest VII as Sandglass of Regression and Time Sand respectively) is a special item in the Dragon Quest series. Depicted as a heart-shaped hourglass filled with sand, it resets the battle to the beginning and allows the player to start over the encounter.


Dragon Quest IV

The Sands of Time can be found in the Cascade Cave, after the Karstaway stone is used to drain the grotto.

Dragon Quest V

The Sands of Time is a reward for completing the Nadiria T'n'T board. (DS version only)

Dragon Quest VI

You can obtain the Sands of Time by showing 50 mini medals to the king at Medford Manor. when used this item rewind the current battle to the begin. it doesn't consume after use

Dragon Quest VII

The chronic clumps of sand were used by The Time Being in conjunction with Pomposo's clocktower to freeze the region of El Ciclo in a never-ending loop. The sands are the player's reward for freeing the town.


In battle, they can reverse time itself.[1]


  1. Nintendo DS and Cell phone Version