All-weather earrings

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 05:10, 25 February 2022 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Item |title = All-weather earrings |image = Image:All-weather earrings XI icon.png |japanese = 吹雪のイヤリング |romaji = {{tt|Fubuki no iyaringu|Blizzard earrings}} |names = N/a |games = {{DQ11}} |effect = Increases the wearer's resistance against ice and wind attacks. }} The '''All-weather earrings''' are an accessory that appears exclusively in ''Dragon Quest XI''. They are designed to help protect the wearer against both ice and wind damage. ==Det...")
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All-weather earrings
All-weather earrings XI icon.png
Japanese 吹雪のイヤリング
Romaji Fubuki no iyaringu
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Effect Increases the wearer's resistance against ice and wind attacks.

The All-weather earrings are an accessory that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest XI. They are designed to help protect the wearer against both ice and wind damage.


All-weather earrings XI icon.png  All-weather earrings
(forge buffs)
(+6, +8, +10)
(forge buffs)
(+17, +18, +20)
Ice Resistance
(forge buffs)
(+15%, +20%, +25%)
Wind Resistance
(forge buffs)
(+15%, +20%, +25%)
Rarity B
Found Can be received as a reward for playing poker at the casino in Puerto Valor or Octagonia.
Received from the little girl from the Last Bastion after telling her about L'Académie de Notre Maitre des Médailles.
Received as a reward for completing the quest Rebirth Rebuffed. (3DS and Definitive Edition only)
Recipe Gold nuglet + Savvy sapphire + Equable emerald + Glass frit
Difficulty ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Characters
Class Eye and Earwear
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,000
Flavor text Earrings projecting a protective aura that blocks ice and wind damage.

The recipe book An Earring for Every Element contains the recipe for the all-weather earrings. It can be found in a treasure chest at Champs Sauvage - Whale Way Station during the third act.

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