Dragonic Diligence

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A scroll like this might open the path to a new vocation..

Draconic Diligence
Draconic Diligence.png
Japanese ドラゴンのさとり
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations Book of Dragons
Found in Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
Effect If this scroll is held by a character, it lets them change in to the Dragon class.

--Description when using Peep on the Dragonic Diligence in Dragon Quest VI.

Dragonic Diligence is an item in Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation.


The Dragonic Diligence is an expendable item that if held by someone can choose to learn the Dragon Class at at the Alltrades Abbey.


The Dragonic Diligence can be found in the following areas:


This scroll unlocks the path to learning the way of the dragon.[1]
The scroll unlocks the wondrous way of the Dragon.[2]


The silhouette printed on the scroll resembles a Drag-goof more than any of the dragon species found in VI.

See also


  1. Nintendo DS Version
  2. Cell phone Version