Hero (Dragon Quest II)

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Revision as of 19:30, 11 November 2013 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)
Dragon Quest II
Sprite(s) Dq2hero-sprite-NES.gif
Japanese name ヒーロ,
Romaji Hiiro
Class Hero
Race Human
Age 16
Family Hero (ancestor)

The Prince of Midenhall, also known as the Prince of Lorasia (ローレシア王子), is one of the three playable characters from Dragon Warrior II. He is a descendant of Erdrick who responds to the sudden rising threat of Hargon. He inherited all of his ancestor's physical strength, but unlike his cousins the Prince of Cannock and the Princess of Moonbrooke, he cannot use magic, and as such is the only Dragon Quest main hero who doesn't possess any magical ability. The Japanese version depicts the Prince of Midenhall as a man of convictions who is determined to protect his kingdom and his world. This also holds true in the American version.

Appearance and Personality

The Hero wears blue for the most part, though the goggles that rest on his helmet are brown. His sword is typical aside from the hand cover built into the hilt, and his shield is adorned with Erdrick's symbol.

Even though the Hero is a silent protagonist and his personailty is open for the player to define, a strong sense of justice can be seen in the begining of the game, as he sets out to stop Hargon's evil cult without so much as a "But thou must" question from the King.

Although the Hero is the only nameable character, he remains equal in stature with his 2 companions in Dragon Quest II, the Prince of Cannock and the Princess of Moonbrooke. All 3 are descendants of Erdrick. This varies from other games in the series where only the hero is of notable birth compared to his party companions.



The Hero is a powerful Warrior, able to equip all but the most specific of equipment.


When fighting Hargon, he should be wearing: Erdrick's armor, Erdrick's helmet, Erdrick's shield, and the Sword of thunder.


  • Only main hero who cannot use magic of any kind.
  • Like many of the main heroes in the series, he is a silent protagonist.
  • He can reach a maximum level of 50.
  • In the Japanese version of the game, he is depicted as the tallest of the cousins.
  • In the artwork for the American NES version of the game, he is still wearing Erdrick's signature blue armor, but the shield had been changed from blue to red.



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