Princess of Moonbrooke

Princess of Moonbrooke
Dragon Quest II
Sprite(s) Dq2princess-sprite-NES.gifDq2princess-sprite-MSX.gif Dq2princess-sprite-MSX2.gif Dq2princess-sprite-SNES.gif Dq2princess-sprite-GB.gif Dq2princess-sprite-Mobile.gif
Japanese name ムーンブルクの王女
Romaji Mūnburuku no Oujo
Title Princess
Moonbrooke Maiden (IX)
Class Mage
Race Human
Age 16
Family Erdrick (ancestor)
Hero (ancestor)
Princess Gwaelin (ancestor)
Prince of Midenhall (cousin)
Prince of Cannock (cousin)
Voice actor Chisa Yokoyama (CD Theater)
Sumire Uesaka (Rivals Ace)

The Princess of Moonbrooke is a character in the Dragon Quest series that appears as a playable party member in Dragon Quest II.

She is a descendant of Erdrick who inherited none of her ancestor's physical strength but makes up for it with her magical prowess.

After Hargon attacks Moonbrooke, the Princess of Moonbrooke is cursed and turned into a dog. Later, after her cousins the Prince of Midenhall and the Prince of Cannock break the curse, she joins forces with them to exact revenge on Hargon for what he did to her subjects and her father.

Appearance and PersonalityEdit

She is depicted as shorter than her cousins, by how much depending on the illustration. She alternates between having blonde and lavender hair, and is clothed in a white robe and purple or red hood with Erdrick's crest on the forehead, carrying what looks to be a Wizard's staff in the Japanese version of the game. Her eye color changes between lavender, red, and blue, as well. In the American illustrations for the NES version of the game she is tall, blond, and wears a pink and black robe, knee-high black boots, red cape and holds the Lightning staff. When cursed by Hargon, she took the form of a brown dog.

The Princess comes across as a shy but strong willed girl, who wants revenge on Hargon for what was done to her father and home. When encountered in various spin-offs and cameo appearances in later games, the Princess is a jubilant and perky young woman prone to fits of laughter. Humorously, she sometimes barks when she becomes angry in said cameos, such as Fortune Street.


Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary LineEdit

The Princess is first seen in the opening cutscene, and is encountered in person in Moonaham. Unable to communicate with her cousins due to her curse, she follows them around as a party member anyway as head's up to new players that the dog is more than it seems. After getting hints from the townsfolk of Moonaham, the two princes find the Ra's Mirror in a swamp east of the ruins of Moonbrooke. Returning to the village, the mirror is used on the Princess and she is restored.


SFC & Game Boy versions

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 35
HP 32 175
MP 28 196
Strength 2 70
Agility 22 160
Resilience 11 71
Initial gear Cypress stick, Plain clothes

Android and iOS versions

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 50
HP 32 180
MP 28 229
Strength 2 72
Agility 22 202
Resilience 10 125
Initial gear Cypress stick, Plain clothes


The Princess hard at work studying magic.
Level Learned Original Japanese Dragon Quest II MP Description
1 ベホイミ Behoimi Midheal 5 Restores 85-100 HP.
2 ラリホー Rarihoo Snooze 2 Sends the enemy into a deep sleep.
4 バギ Bagi Woosh 4 Slices through the enemy with a small whirlwind.
6 マヌーサ Manuusa Dazzle 2 Envelops enemies in illusions.
8 トヘロス Toherosu Holy Protection 2 Wards off weaker monsters.
10 ルカナン Rukanan Kasap 2 Reduces enemies' Defence.
12/13 キアリー Kiarii Squelch 3 Cures the effects of Poison.
15/16 ベホマ Behoma Fullheal 8 Restores an ally's HP completely.
17/18 リレミト Riremito Evac 6 Instantly escape from the depths of any dungeon.
19/21 イオナズン Ionazun Kaboom 8 Engulfs the enemy in a large explosion.
21 トラマナ Toramana Safe Passage 4 Walk safely over barriers.
22/27 (remake only) ザオリク Zaoriku Kazing 15 Resurrects a fallen ally.
23/29/36 アバカム Abakamu Click 2 Open a door without needing a key.
25/30 パルプンテ Parupunte Hocus Pocus 15 Take a chance with Lady Luck! Only she knows what will happen.


The Princess of Moonbrooke is the most limited in terms of equipment compared to her cousins, being only able to equip light clothing and magical staves and wands. She cannot use any shields. She joins the party equipped only with Plain clothes and a Cypress stick and does not have much in the way of physical Attacks and Defense. The SFC, GBC, and iOS/Android versions of the game mitigate this slightly by improving the attack scores on the wands she can equip.


  • Her name and stats are determined by the name the player chooses for the Hero. The Princess' name is selected from a list of eight names. They are Maria, Elani, Ollisa, Roz, Kailin, Peta, Illyth, and Gwen.
  • In the Game Boy Color version, her possible names are: Erin, Mary, Nana, Beth, Fran, Gwen, Lynn, and Sara. Her name can be changed manually by putting in a code at the title screen.
  • In the smartphone and Nintendo Switch versions, her possible names are no longer based on the Hero's name and instead is chosen randomly. The names are: Eileen, Elaine, Fleurette, Ginny, Isolde, Lynda, Maria and Peronel. It can also be manually entered at the beginning of the game.
  • The Japanese options for her name are Eileen (アイリン), Akina (あきな), Samantha (サマンサ), Nana (ナナ), Pudding (プリン), Maiko (まいこ), Maria (マリア), and Linda (リンダ).
  • The official Japanese CD theater drama calls her Nana, from her default names. The novel switches things up by calling her Seria, a name not found in the game.
  • In Fortune Street, her name is Princessa or Pudding. In Dragon Quest IX, her name is Princessa.
  • Dragon Quest of the Stars refers to her as Pudding again.
  • In the Japanese version of Dragon Quest Tact, her name is Pudding, while the English version calls her Peronel.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry SkiesEdit

On May 27, 2011, the Princess of Moonbrooke began appearing as a special guest under the name of Princess Princessa at the Quester's Rest in Stornway. This could be downloaded through the DQVC using Nintendo's Wi-Fi channel when it was still available. When spoken to, she will give the Hero different pieces of her outfit is certain conditions are fulfilled.

The player will receive the Accolade Moonbrooke Maiden if the Hero wears all of the parts of the Prince of Moonbrooke's costume.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

The princess is found in the Moonaham section of the Echo Chamber, where in she has returned to human form at the cost of the citizens becoming dogs themselves. Distraught, she requests aid from the Luminary and seeks a jug of Magic water to undo the curse. After being given the phial and returning history to normal, she laments her fate and awaits the arrival of her cousins. Humorously, she is greatly taken aback at how common magic water is in the Luminary's world compared to her own, which is likely a developer joke at how mundane magical items have become in recent games in the series.

Dragon Quest TreasuresEdit

A statue representing the princess is Treasure No. 331,, with a base value of 1,200,000.

Dragon Quest of the StarsEdit

The Princess is a playable ally who encounters Cyril during the the II scenario quest. She first appears in her cursed form and is illustrated with blonde hair, but has lavender hair in her polygon model.

Her outfit and staff is available as a drop in most Dragon Quest II missions.

Dragon Quest RivalsEdit

The princess is a playable character in the game, being introduced alongside her cousins in the "Triumph of Heroes" card pack that was released after the game's title changed to Dragon Quest Rivals Ace. She is featured on three different cards.

Fortune StreetEdit

The Princess is a playable character and a rank C opponent.

Dragon Quest WalkEdit

The Princess of Moonbrooke appears as part of the Dragon Quest II event that began on May 27, 2021. She can participate as a helper after clearing Chapter 2, Episode 2 of the event and her outfit can be purchased by exchanging gold pass medals.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

The Princess of Moonbrooke is known as Peronel and she appears as an S-rank member of the Hero family as part of the Dragon Quest II event on her own banner alongside Orc king. Peronel also appears as a boss in the special Luminaries of the Legendary Line boss battle with Rickerd.

Peronel (プリン Purin) 

Family Rank Role
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1,013 537 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
305 388 346 461 60
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Sacred Light Earth-Shattering Kaboom*
Coup de Grâce: Moonbrooke Prayer*
Talent Blossoming: Erdrick's Northlight
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Rubiss's Blessing / Stats Up Crack Res +25 / Stats Up Kazap Potency +5%
Moonbrooke Prayer Recovery +5% / Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Woosh Res +25 / Stats Up Kazap Potency +5%
Moonbrooke Prayer Recovery +5% / Stats Up
Leader Perks
Raises Zap-type spell potency of allies, including herself, by 20% in a 5x5 square around her.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
WIS +15
Max MP +15
Sporadic Lightning Jolt Follow-Up: When any other ally attacks: Occasionally follows up with Lightning Jolt if attack target is within follow-up range. Kazap Potency +2%
Moonbrooke Prayer Recovery +2%
Perk Details
Rubiss's Blessing: Restores 10 MP for all allies in area of effect at the start of each action until turn 10.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Very Weak Normal Half Res Half Res
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Normal Normal Very Weak Immune
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Half Res Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Super Weak Super Weak Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Normal Half Res Normal


The fair Princess introduces several firsts to the Dragon Quest series, such as being the first heroine to join the protagonist, the series' original dedicated spell-casting character, and the first to endure the destruction of their family and home. Such a melancholy fate would become the series' standard, with only a scant few lead characters avoiding the trend.

Other LanguagesEdit

Language Translation Meaning
  EspañolPrincesa de Arroyo LunaPrincess of Moonbrook
  FrançaisPrincesse de RuisselunePrincess of Moonbrook


See alsoEdit