Elevating shoes

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Elevating Shoes is a recurring equipment in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest III

Dragon Quest IV

The Elevating Shoes is an accessory that increases luck by 50, and grants EXP while walking.

Dragon Quest VII

Dragon Quest VIII

The elevating shoes provides an agility boost of +5, and grants EXP while walking.

Dragon Quest IX

Elevating Shoes are acquired by performing Alchemy with a set of Depressing Shoes and a Lucky Pendant. The resulting item grants a 3.5% evasion chance. It also makes the wearer gain 5% more experience from battles (this extra experience is not taken away from the amount given to other party members). They can be sold for 777 coins each at shops. It is very useful to have multiple pairs to help with party revocation or skill point training.

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