
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Dragon Quest VIII
DQ VIII Android King Clavius.jpg
Title King
Race Human

Clavius is a king of Argonia, a kingdom in Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King.


Clavius became king when his older brother Eltrio renounced his claim to the throne and disappeared. With this, Clavius was forced to fulfill the promise of peace left by his older brother, which was to wed his son with the daughter of the kingdom of Trodain. His son, Prince Charmles, is spoiled and selfish, something that greatly disappoints Clavius to no end.

He originally asks The Hero and party to help his son get the Argon hearts after defeating Argon lizards in the trial (which is a rite of passage for all heirs to the Argonian throne). He almost finds pride in his son, until he witnesses Charmles trading the Argon heart he obtained with a larger, fake one.

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