Godbird robe

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Godbird robe'
Japanese 神鳥の法衣
Romaji Shintori no hōi
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
Effect MP discount

The godbird robe is a divine dress that provides protection outshining most metal armours and makes it easier to cast spells.


Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Godbird robe III HD icon.png Godbird robe DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Through mysterious means this robe reduces the amount of MP needed to cast spells
Stats Vocations
Defence +125 Mage iconHD2D.pngPriest iconHD2D.pngSage iconHD2D.png
MP price reduced to 67%
Price Location
NA/25,250 Recruit all 121 monsters & speak to Monty


  • The robe takes its name from one of Ramia's epitaphs, owing to her divine nature.

See also[edit]