Leg warmers

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Leg warmers
Japanese ルーズソックス
Romaji Rūzu sokkusu
Old localizations Tubesocks (GBC)
Found in Dragon Quest III (remakes only)
Effect N/A

The leg warmers are an accessory in the Dragon Quest franchise which have so far only appeared in the remakes of Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation. They can only be equipped by female characters.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The leg warmers provide a Defence boost of +5. It can be equipped by any class as long as they are female. One can be found at Pirates' Den and can be sold for 1,650 Gold Coins.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Leg warmers III HD icon.png Leg warmers DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
They don’t look like much, but they do a decent job of protecting the wearer’s legs
Stats Vocations
Defence +6 Gadabout iconHD2D.pngHero iconHD2D.pngMage iconHD2D.pngMartial artist iconHD2D.pngMerchant iconHD2D.png Monster wrangler iconHD2D.pngPriest iconHD2D.pngSage iconHD2D.pngThief iconHD2D.pngWarrior iconHD2D.png
Women only
Price Location
NA/450 Found in:
Pirates' Den


The name of this accessory in Japanese is "Loose Socks", which were a popular and trendy youth fashion item with Japanese school girls in the mid-90s at the height of the kogal subculture when the SFC version was released on December 6th 1996, but which have declined greatly in usage and popularity in the decades since, making this item feel rather outmoded and passé in an amusing way to many modern day Japanese players.

It's fairly likely that this accessory belongs to the captain of the Pirates' Den since she is a rebellious and brash girl, that the item is found in a drawer in her room, and the fact that all the other pirates are men.