Pirate king's pendant

From Dragon Quest Wiki

"Well, word is that necklace has special powers. They say that whoever wears it will find gold at their fingertips wherever they go... It's probably just talk, but it seemed about right for a little moneygrubber like you."


Pirate king's pendant
Pirate king's pendant xi icon.png
Japanese 海賊王の首飾り
Romaji Kaizoku-ō no kubikazari
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest XI
Effect Increases the wearer's resistance against curses and rate that monsters will drop items after battle.

The Pirate king's pendant is an important accessory that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest XI. In the game's backstory, Erik gave the pendant as a birthday present to his younger sister Mia, but it bore a terrible curse.


Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]


Warning: Spoilers!
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Pirate king's pendant DQXI Logo EN.png
Pirate king's pendant xi icon.png
Neckwear that's sure to bring the booty a-rolling in.
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +10/13/16/20
Charm +35/36/38/42
Chance of defeated monsters dropping items increased by 5%.
Chance of being cursed reduced by 50%/60%/70%/80%.
Requires 20 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Price Location
N/a Received after visiting Mia at her and her brother's shelter in the Sniflheim Region in the postgame.
Forging difficulty
Erik sprite walk.gif
