Knife Weapon Family

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Knives are recurring type of weapon in the Dragon Quest franchise. Though not as powerful as larger blades, knives are reliable weapons that are most often used by character unable to make use of heavier arms, such as thieves and mages.

Frequently, Knives possess special attributes to compensate for their power, afflicting opponents with paralysis or instant death depending on the weapon equipped. Further more, one knife in particular has gained notoriety for its effectiveness in combating Metal Slimes--the Poison Needle. Because the dirk is set to always deal 1 point of damage upon a successful hit, patient players can whittle down a Metal Slime's HP in a scant few turns.


Dragon Quest II

The Divine Dagger is the first appearance of a short blade in the series, and is the only non-staff weapon the Princess of Moonbrooke can use.

Dragon Quest III

Dragon Quest IV

Dragon Quest V

Knives can be used by Bianca, Nera, and hero's daughter, as well as by an assortment of monster allies.

Dragon Quest VI

Dragon Quest VII

Knives can be equipped by Maribel, Sir Mervyn, and Aishe. There are also a few that are restricted to Ruff.

Dragon Quest VIII

Jessica can use knives. Once her knife skill reaches 30, she can also start wielding swords as well.

Dragon Quest IX

Knives can be used by the warrior, thief, and mage vocations. However, once a character fully masters the Knife skill set, they can freely use the daggers with any vocation.
