Adventurer's map

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Revision as of 20:20, 8 June 2020 by (talk)
Adventurer's Map
DQV Adventurers Map.png
Japanese ふしぎなちず
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations World Map (DQVII PS1)
Found in Dragon Quest III (remakes only)
Dragon Quest V (remakes only)
Dragon Quest VI (SFC only)
Dragon Quest VII (PSX only)
Effect Press the Y or square button to view the world map.

The Magic Map (ふしぎなちず fushigi na chizu), also localized as the Adventurer's map in the remakes of Dragon Quest V, is an item which first appeared in the Super Famicom version of Dragon Quest VI.

This item is not to be confused with the Traveller's Map (たびびとのちず) which appeared exclusively in the Super Famicom version of Dragon Quest V.


Dragon Quest III

Found in a treasure chest in the Path of Promise (remakes only).

Dragon Quest V

The Adventurer's map is given to the player by Pankraz at the start of the game, it enables you to view the world map by pressing the Y button. It is exclusive to the remakes.

This item replaced the Traveler's Map (たびびとのちず) which appeared in the Super Famicom version. The Traveler's Nap could be bought at nighttime at the curiosity shop in Fortuna for 100 gold (the same shop you buy the Wagon) once you had acquired the Zoom spell.

Dragon Quest VI

Only appears in the Super Famicom version.

Dragon Quest VII

Only appears in the Playstation, where it was localized as "World Map". Could be found in the Ancient Ruins.