
The Nemeslime is a dangerous monster with high Agility, Defense and Attack power in the Dragon Quest series. Introduced in Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2, it is a grey ninja-style humanoid. It is the evil counterpart to the Ultra slime.


Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2Edit

In this game, Nemeslime is a special monster that can only be obtained after winning 200 tag mode battles. After obtaining Ultra slime, every time a tag mode battle is started, there will be a chance you will encounter a Nemeslime, which you may then attempt to scout.

Family Slime
Rank S
Size S
Weapons Swords, Axes, Spears, Staves
Traits Tactical Trooper, Imposing
Resistances Vulnerable to Frizz and Paralysis, Immune to Crack, Sag, and Sap, Reflects Whack
Skill Reaper
Location -
Breeding chart -

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 ProfessionalEdit

#294 - Nemeslime
HP MP Experience Gold
660 400
Attack Defense Speed
Bestiary # 294
Game Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional
Console DS

Method to obtaining Nemeslime is the same as in the non-professional version.

See alsoEdit