Sizz Virtuoso

Sizz Virtuoso is a talent in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince that teaches monsters abilities themed around Light and imparts minor MP boosts. It's the upgraded form of Sizz Afficionado.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark PrinceEdit

This talent is unlocked when synthesizing monsters who mastered the Sizz Afficionado talent.

Sizz Virtuoso
Ability Description Talent Points
Sizzle Inflicts medium Light damage to all enemies 3
Kaping Raises party's wisdom by up to 80% for 4~7 turns 10
Max. MP +16 Raises max. MP by 16 20
Kasizz Inflicts major Light damage to all enemies 40
Brightsplitter 120% physical Light damage to all enemies 60
Blessed Breath Inflicts medium Light damage to all enemies
Chance to Dazzle for 2~5 turns
Max. MP +24 Raises max. MP by 24 110
Kasizzle Inflicts extreme Light damage to all enemies 150


  • The talent teaching Kaping is a play on the tendency for cultures the world over to associate intelligence with light, hence words such as enlightenment, phrases like being bright, etc.

See alsoEdit