Sizz bomb

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The sizz bomb is a catapult ballistic that burns away the target with a flash of light like a miniature sun.

Sizz bomb
Sizz bomb icon.jpg
Japanese 強ギラ弾
Romaji Kyou giratama
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest Treasures
Effect Damages target


Dragon Quest TreasuresEdit

The recipe for the projectile is found on the underside of The Paternoggin, and as such is usually one of the last bomb-tier recipes the player will find. Axel will sell sizz bombs to Erik and Mia for 2,500 gold per unit, and he can mass produce the ammo ten units at a time with ten princely powders, ten royal soil, five big bones, and one magic beast horn.


  • The Japanese name is derived from Giragira, the term for a blinding light. The source of this light is often heat-based, such as the sun, and as such the term applies equally well to fire and light-themeing in the Japanese language
