Good egg

Good egg (やさしいひと yasashii hito, translated as kindly in the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Quest III) is a personality in the Dragon Quest III remakes, in Dragon Quest X, and in Dragon Quest: Monster Parade.


Main seriesEdit

Dragon Quest III remakesEdit

"You are what some call a thoroughly ‘good egg’…

You are incredibly considerate, and able to see things from almost anyone's perspective…

But this is both a blessing and a curse… At times it stops you from quickly reaching a decision…

After all, to choose one thing is to reject another…

And rejection is just not in your nature…

This tendency also informs other areas of your life…

For example, you find it difficult to part with possessions…

Broken toys… Brochures from old holidays… Ticket stubs…

You are so sentimental, you might even keep a single ill-fitting sock…

And because of this, your cupboards and drawers overflow with trinkets, mementos and souvenirs…

This mountain of mess is testament to your great kindness, but others do not see it as such…

They believe that you are simply too lazy to throw anything away…

And this may even be partly true… You should think about having a tidy every now and again…"

—? (iOS / Android)

In the Dragon Quest III remakes, good egg is a personality that improves strength, resilience, and wisdom growth, but reduces agility and luck growth.

At the start of the game, the hero becomes a good egg by receiving the final test of character in the castle. Before leaving the test, the hero must tell the chancellor a king's orders don't have to be obeyed, confirm that a king's orders can be disobeyed, then contradict the second answer and say it isn't better to do what he sees fit, and again contradict the third answer and say he shouldn't follow the king's orders.

Other party members have a chance to be a good egg when recruited as any class except gadabout, depending on their stat bonuses.

Class / gender Stat bonuses for good egg (chance)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (15)
  • Resilience bonus highest, ≤5, wisdom bonus second (38)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤6, agility or luck bonus second (211)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (215)
  • Resilience bonus highest, ≤5, wisdom bonus second (311)
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤6, agility or luck bonus second (213)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (215)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤5 (18)

An existing character becomes a good egg permanently by reading the Being A Better Person book, or temporarily while wearing the care ring accessory.