
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Choreographer is a talent in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince that teaches monsters abilities themed around controlling the rhythm of battle by forcing enemies to dance to their tune.


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

This talent is naturally learned by the bag o' tricks, frightful conductor, and pogoin' penguin.

Ability Description Talent Points
Decelerate Reduces one enemy's agility by up to 40% for 4~7 turns
Success scales to wisdom
Dim Reduces one enemy's wisdom by up to 40% for 4~7 turns
Success scales to wisdom
Weird Dance Destroys up to 100 MP from one enemy 20
Deceleratle Reduces all enemies' agility by to 40% for 4~7 turns
Success scales to wisdom
Dazzleflash Attempts to blind all enemies for 2~5 turns 50
Sultry Dance Attempts to stun all enemies for 1 turn 70
Fuddle Dance Attempts to confuse all foes for 2~5 turns 85
Kerplunk Dance Heals/revives party at 50% max HP at 1,999 wisdom
Dancer cannot be revived in the same battle