Dangerous bustier

(Redirected from Dangerous Bustier)

The Dangerous bustier is a special piece of "armour" in the Dragon Quest series. It provides almost no protection, but can be upgraded into more effective bustiers via Alchemy.

Dangerous bustier
DQVIII Dangerous Bustier.png
Japanese あぶないビスチェ
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Effect varies


Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed KingEdit

The dangerous bustier only has a Defence bonus of +1, but changes Jessica Albert's appearance. Obtained after trading 99 Mini medals to Princess Minnie, with another one being found in the Heavenly Dais. It is a required component of the Divine bustier along with the Shimmering dress or it can be sold for 2,900 gold coins. However, it is not recommended to sell it, as there are only two in the game.

  • In the 3DS version, Red can also wear the Dangerous bustier, but it does not change her appearance. Additionally, the bustier's appearance on Jessica has been altered slightly to make it less revealing.

Dragon Quest IXEdit

   Dangerous bustier  (DS)
Defence +1
Found 1% chance in Rank 5 chests
Rarity ★★☆☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,900
Flavor text A barely believable bodice that you'd be brave to look at.
Notes Exclusive for women.
Recipe: Divine bustier + Reset stone
Upgrades to Silk bustier.


You'll understand where the danger comes from when Jessica wears it. Rrrrrow![1]

See alsoEdit
