Gradely Grasslands

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Gradely Grasslands are the lowlands to the north of Rosehill.


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

The grasslands are the bucolic meadow at the end of the mountain trail beginning in the Champion Cascade. The available monsters are the same as on the agrarian road, but the main point of interest is the open-air pit cave on the south eastern edge. This colossal hollow has a natural beveled path formed through erosion on the interior, which leads behind a slender waterfall and up to small valley. This retreat is where most players will encounter their first monster egg, nestled on a raised mound.

Resident giant monster[edit]

Cyclops DQM3 portrait.png

Spring monsters[edit]

Bantamweight DQM3 portrait.png Bunicorn DQM3 portrait.png Dracky DQM3 portrait.png Feralball DQM3 portrait.png Killerpillar DQM3 portrait.png Komodo DQM3 portrait.png Mischievous mole DQM3 portrait.png Slime DQM3 portrait.png Vegandragora DQM3 portrait.png Wing slime DQM3 portrait.png (only during rain)

Summer monsters[edit]

Bantamweight DQM3 portrait.png Bunicorn DQM3 portrait.png Dracky DQM3 portrait.png Dragonthorn DQM3 portrait.png Komodo DQM3 portrait.png Mischievous mole DQM3 portrait.png Slime DQM3 portrait.png Stump chump DQM3 portrait.png Vegandragora DQM3 portrait.png Wing slime DQM3 portrait.png (only during rain)

Autumn monsters[edit]

Bantamweight DQM3 portrait.png Bunicorn DQM3 portrait.png Capsichum DQM3 portrait.png Dracky DQM3 portrait.png Komodo DQM3 portrait.png Mischievous mole DQM3 portrait.png Slime DQM3 portrait.png Woebergine DQM3 portrait.png Vegandragora DQM3 portrait.png Wing slime DQM3 portrait.png (only during rain)

Winter monsters[edit]

Antguzzler DQM3 portrait.png Bantamweight DQM3 portrait.png Bunicorn DQM3 portrait.png Dracky DQM3 portrait.png Khalamari kid DQM3 portrait.png Komodo DQM3 portrait.png Mischievous mole DQM3 portrait.png Slime DQM3 portrait.png Teeny sanguini DQM3 portrait.png Vegandragora DQM3 portrait.png